Aloha Silent Installation Guide


This document describes the custom msiexec flags for our Sparkfly NCR Aloha integration installer.


flag description
SITE_ID Sets siteId in sparkfly.ini.
SITE_ID_PREFIX Sets the siteId's prefix in sparkfly.ini.
ITEM_CODE Sets itemCode in sparkfly.ini.
VOID_MANAGER_ID Sets voidManagerId in sparkfly.ini.
VOID_MANAGER_JOB_CODE Sets voidManagerJobCode in sparkfly.ini.
PROMO_CODE Sets promoCode in sparkfly.ini.
EXTERNAL_ID_SOURCE Sets externalIdSource in sparkfly.ini.
KEYBOARD Sets keyboard in sparkfly.ini.
MAX_LOG_LEVEL Sets maxLogLevel in sparkfly.ini.
AUTOMATIC_BARCODE_FORMATS Sets automaticBarcodeFormats in sparkfly.ini.
API_ENDPOINT Sets apiEndpoint in sparkfly.ini.
API_USER Sets apiUsername in sparkfly.ini.
API_PASSWORD Sets apiPassword in sparkfly.ini.
API_TIMEOUT Sets apiTimeout in sparkfly.ini.
API_TIMEOUT Sets apiTimeout in sparkfly.ini.
AMOUNT_OVERRIDE_KEYBOARD Sets AmountOverride keyboard in sparkfly.ini.
AMOUNT_OVERRIDE_ITEM_CODE Sets AmountOverride itemCode in sparkfly.ini.
AMOUNT_OVERRIDE_PROMO_CODE Sets AmountOverride promoCode in sparkfly.ini.
DIALOG_TIMEOUT Sets dialogTimeout in sparkfly.ini.
VOID_REASON_NUMBER Sets voidReasonNumber in sparkfly.ini.
USE_LOYALTY_UI Sets useLoyaltyUI in sparkfly.ini.
MAX_REWARDS Sets maxRewards in sparkfly.ini.


Below is an example msiexec command to silently install Sparkfly BOH components and set apiUsername to 'xxx' and apiPassword to 'yyy' in sparkfly.ini:

msiexec /i SparkflyAlohaConnector_BOH_X.X.X.X.msi /quiet /qn /norestart API_USER=xxx API_PASSWORD=yyy