Legacy Sparkfly Aloha Connector Migration Guide


This document describes the process of upgrading from older versions of the Sparkfly Aloha integration that use our older, non-MSI based install package. This includes upgrading from the Sparkfly Host Adapter, which is used in these older versions and has been obsoleted by the Sparkfly HTTP Gateway.

This document should be used in conjunction with the installation guide for this product. For automated installations, this document is primarily advisory and should be used in conjunction with the silent install guide. There are example installation commands given in this document, but actual command strings may vary based on your unique environment. The upgrade process can be completely automated, provided that the environment has tools for automating MSI installations. All MSI packages are designed with silent installation in mind.

This document is relevant to the following Sparkfly integration version:

Uninstalling Old Software

Your environment likely has the following components installed:

The removal process for each of these packages is the following:

New Software Overview

The following components replace the previous Sparkfly software components.

New Software Install Commands

Back of House (BOH) Install

Sparkfly Aloha Agent

The filename should be replaced with the correct file name for the version being installed. This is just an example, and the final installation string, along with the various properties and values will vary heavily from environment to environment. This string should be constructed by following the silent installation guide, and by working closely with your Sparkfly technical support team. If using RAL, the USE_RAL value should be 1. If not, the USE_RAL parameter can be excluded.

msiexec /i SparkflyAlohaConnector_BOH_2.x.x.x.msi /quiet /lvx* C:\sparkfly-boh-install.log /norestart API_USER=XXXX API_PASSWORD=XXXXX API_TIMEOUT=10000 SITE_ID_PREFIX=XXXXXXXX ITEM_CODE=XXXXX PROMO_CODE=XXX USE_RAL=1

Sparkfly HTTP Gateway

The filename should be replaced with the correct file name for the version being installed. The Sparkfly HTTP Gateway currently does not require any install parameters.

msiexec /i Sparkfly-HTTPGateway-1.x.x.x.msi /quiet /lvx* C:\sparkfly-httpgw-install.log /norestart 

Front of House (FOH) Install

This step is not required when using RAL. The filename should be replaced with the correct file name for the version being installed.

msiexec /i SparkflyAlohaConnector_FOH_2.x.x.x.msi /quiet /lvx* C:\sparkfly-foh-install.log /norestart 

Network Changes

Changes in Network Port Requirements

The Sparkfly Host Adapter uses 5003. The new Sparkfly HTTP Gateway uses 6003 to communicate with the terminals. The Sparkfly HTTP Gateway can be configured to use port 5003 if avoiding network changes is desired.

If you wish to use port 5003, there are steps that must be taken.

Manual Process

  1. The Sparkfly HTTP Gateway must be configured to listen on port 5003. This configuration is located in the GATEWAY.INI file located on the BOH.
    1. Configuration file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparkfly HTTP Gateway\gateway.ini
    2. Change listenPort to 5003
  2. Update SPARKFLY.INI located on the BOH
    1. TableService: Bootdrv\Aloha\Data\sparkfly.ini
    2. QuickService: Bootdrv\AlohaQS\Data\sparkfly.ini
    3. Change ApiEndpoint to use port 5003 instead of port 6003
      1. Example ApiEndpoint=http://Alohaboh:6003/ to ApiEndpoint=http://Alohaboh:5003/

Automated Process

See silent installation guide.


The upgrade process will vary by environment and should be handled with assistance from your Sparkfly technical support team. A thorough review of the installation guide for this product. For automated installations, this document is primarily advisory and should be used in conjunction with the silent install guide. The upgrade process can be completely automated, provided that the environment has tools for automating MSI installations.